Thursday, November 11, 2010


Logan LOVES his baths! At his first bath he was not too happy that we stripped him down and were pouring water all over him but now bath time is his very favorite part of the day! It doesn't matter if he is screaming, as soon as he gets in the water... all is good! He'll even fall asleep! Here are some pictures :) Oh.. And he LOVES his binky! Hence the picture of him holding on to it for dear life. The minute it falls out he'll fuss for it, which gets really annoying... However, it is really nice that when he does get fussy or if he starts waking up i can stick something in his mouth and he'll calm right down

1 comment:

  1. I love these pictures. I showed them to your dad and it made his day! He looks like such a little cute. Lucky him he got his daddy's 'sleep anywhere' gene! Lol
